African Resources Development has the capabilities and expertise to provide specialised applications to underground mining operations.

Our production mining services include drilling, charging and blasting, loading and hauling raw materials to the surface. We use electric-hydraulic or diesel-hydraulic drill rigs which are capable of drilling hole sizes from 57mm to 102mm and larger for specialist applications.

We use modern high-tech explosives and electronic detonators to ensure optimised fragmentation and minimised waste. Our engineers can be on hand to provide advice on drill and blast design optimisation.

In the interest of work safety, our loaders are tele-remote controlled. This ensures our personnel are not exposed to hazards.



African Resources Development prides itself in providing mechanised development mining.

Mechanised development mining and in particular, high speed mechanised hard rock mine development services and jumbo drilling lie at the centre of African Resources Development. Decline access mining has proven to be the most effective solution for the larger, more mechanised and efficient equipment. Our application of up-to-date technology ensures the delivery of the highest productivity and quality of finished product for our clients. Our personnel's safety is our priority and therefore, our development jumbos are equipped with exceptional safety features.


Shotcreting applications provide not only excellent surface support, it also serves to improve the productivity and quality of a mining development. Shotcreting is particularly effective in deep high stress environments and in the rehabilitation of previously meshed areas.